U3A Dunedin
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Frequently Asked Questions

Please click on a question in blue to open up an answer.


Can I see the Trust Deed for U3A Dunedin?

Why are e-mails from U3A Dunedin going into my SPAM folder?


Is there a waiting list?

How do I join U3A Dunedin?

What is the U3A Dunedin Bank Account Number?

How much does it cost to join?

Do I have to have internet to be a member?

Can I bring a friend to a lecture?

How many people are in U3A Dunedin?

Can a U3A member from another town come to our courses?


What courses does U3A Dunedin Offer?

Can I change my mind after I have filled in a course application and paid the fee?

How does the ballot work?

How does Ride Share Work?

What is the policy on refunds?

What happens if a course is cancelled at the last minute?

What happens if I know that I am going to be away for one of the lectures?

How do I access the slides after a presentation?